Willow river cemetery
A historic not-for-profit cemetery, we are non-denominational, non-secterian, and open to all.

Established in 1850
The Willow River Cemetery was named after the Willow River community that settled here before it was known as Hudson. The Willow River Cemetery Association was formed in 1850.
Caretaker History
1850 - ? - Nathaniel H Bartlett
1930 - 1970 - Ray Detlefsen
1970 - 1979 - LeRoy Johannsen
1979 - 1986 - Tracy Bachmeier
1986 - 1991 - Bill Huston
1991 - present - Mike "Digger" Miller
**Records are unclear of the caretakers between 1850 - 1930

Willow River Cemetery is located in the St. Croix River Valley town of Hudson, Wisconsin. The cemetery is older than the town itself, and it is the resting place of many former citizens of the Willow River Community, now known as Hudson.
Willow River Cemetery is a family run non-profit entity not affiliated with the city of Hudson, and there are no tax dollars to fund operations. The cemetery’s revenue relies solely on grave sales, burials and donations.
The operation of the cemetery is overseen by the Cemetery Board; Hank Paulson (President), Greg Breault (Vice President), Leanne Van Allen (Secretary), Vicky Erickson (Treasurer), Debi Erickson, Mark Gherty, Ron Kapaun, and David Tostrud.
Friends of Willow River Cemetery Inc. is an organization that focuses on raising funds and donations for the upkeep of the cemetery, and all funds raised go directly into the daily operations of the cemetery.

- http://willowrivercemetery.com
- wrca1850@yahoo.com
- (715) 386-8560
- 815 Wisconsin St Hudson, Wisconsin
Old Willlow River Cemetery
The original five acres, now called Old Willow River Cemetery, lie on the west side of 9th Street and were purchased in 1852. Additional land on the east side of 9th St. was purchased in 1880. Later, the property south to Wisconsin Street was added.

Willow River Cemetery Mapping
Below is the current Willow River Cemetery map.
We have been able to identify 580 veterans that are buried in Willow River. This information was found with Veteran’s Administration records and on-site research to find veterans that were not recorded with the VA. Veterans were first selected because of the availability of detailed VA records. We have also recorded GPS data at grave sites for 97 veterans.